40s Woman and Beyond – Workplace Packages

A 2022 cross party House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee report has highlighted that lack of support for women with menopausal symptoms in the workplace is pushing highly skilled and experienced people out of work. The Fawcett Society’s Menopause and the Workplace report showed that one in ten women who worked during the menopause have left a job due to their symptoms. With women over the age of 50 being the fastest growing segment of the workforce, this is an opportunity for forward thinking employers to retain and support their talent.

Understanding what they may experience both before and as it happens can help to reduce womens’ concerns, make constructive changes and feel positive about their future within the workforce. These events are designed to be uplifting and enjoyable – a great addition to a work lunch, away day, or evening event. At ’40s Woman and Beyond’ Anna Black and Gen Hallam have developed packages drawing from the latest research enabling company leaders to support their people agenda and create positive impact. Please contact me for further information

  • Navigating (Peri)menopause: 45 minute Insight Session. An introduction to menopause demystifying & highlighting that this time is the next joyous step of career and life. We also share accessible life updates to support the perimenopausal body in this concise session. This event can be tailored for people who will experience the menopause or all age/genders  Price: £1500
  • A Deeper Dive: 2 hour Awareness Session. A look into the symptoms, body changes, and how a woman can support her body and thrive in the second half of her life. This event is for those who will or who are experiencing the menopause and works well as part of an away day/evening event. Price: £3000
  • Understanding: A look into what menopause can involve to help support conversation. This works perfectly as part of an organisation event to cultivate awareness and empathy, especially for those who manage teams. Price varies according to event/timing including discussion.

Follow On Sessions

  • Thrive: An In-Depth Look at Change in your 40s and Beyond. 5 x 1 hour zoom sessions. A deeper look into the science, research, changes and ultimately the life updates women can make to support their bodies with movement, nutrition and lifestyle to thrive in the workplace

Please contact me for further information

Anna Black and Genevieve Hallam
40s Woman and Beyond Logo

Feedback from previous events

By Camden Council recognising the need for this kind of information and putting the support in place has made me feel recognised and valued as an employee.”
— RC, Camden Council

I really appreciated everything Anna and Gen have shared with us. Working in a scientific environment we value the evidence based insight throughout the seminar. Knowledge is power and Anna and Gen have given us all such good knowledge. Colleagues of menopause age and younger all took something away to bring into their daily lives” – CP, The Francis Crick Institute

Fantastic event! I learned loads with practical tips I can implement straight away, thank you!” — LH, The Blair Partnership

“The sessions Anna and Gen led for our employees on perimenopause were informative, engaging, full of actionable recommendations and relevant to all in both self-care as well as supporting others. I look forward to working with them again” – SA, Boden


The feedback from Anna’s sessions has been fantastic! Her approach and knowledge together with take away action points have been accessible and easy to understand. If you’re looking for someone to help with perimenopause & menopause support within your company, Anna is the perfect fit.
— EB, Camden Council

Clients include

Camden Council Logo
Francis Crick Logo
The Blair Partnership Logo
Pan Pacific Logo
Boden Logo
40s Woman Logo

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