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40s Woman & Beyond – The Podcast

They (I) say that women hit an amazing age in our 40s, full of experience and maybe some skill. And often still so keen to learn and do new things too. And I am so excited to be doing something new and outside my comfort zone and launching this podcast.

One of the things I’m always talking about is the joy of collaboration. For me it’s something that is unmatched by most other work scenarios. And I am so excited to have done this podcast with Gen Hallam (Nutrition Coach) and have been lucky enough to persuade Margaret Cabourn-Smith (host of Crushed) to join too. So many others have also been involved in the creation of this podcast – Josephine Green, Louise Bates, Claire Broughton, Stuart Gibbins to name but 4.

The aim of this podcast is not to try and emulate the unmatchable Women’s Hour, but instead is a chat amongst 3 perimenopausal women, bringing our experiences and knowledge to the podcast. Hopefully you’ll enjoy and want to join in the chat also.

Disclaimer: Anna Black, Genevieve Hallam, Margaret Cabourn-Smith or any guest presenter featured in this podcast cannot be held responsible for any injury or harm caused as a result of participation in any session or ideas you follow as a result of listening to this podcast. You are taking part at your own risks and need to make sensible decisions. Check in with your GP if you have any concerns and before making changes.

You can subscribe to the 40s Woman and Beyond channel on Apple Podcasts,  Deezer and Spotify using the links below. Also coming soon to YouTube!

Episode 6 – “Skincare Special”

It’s the only product on the planet that I would actually say is a miracle product.” — Pamela Marshall, Aesthetician.

Do you have any idea how to look after your skin in your “prime” years? Pamela Marshall, aesthetician, skin superhero and the guardian of many a celebrity face,  shares her top tips and recommended products. Some of which are pretty surprising and not as expensive as you would think.

Find Pamela at Mortar and Milk, Hoxton Square, Shoreditch and visit the Mortar and Milk website.

Episode 5 – “Making Time for Fun (and why Anna and Gen need to get out More)”

Margaret, Anna and Genevieve are discussing the previous episode’s guest, Dr Claire Macaulay, and discovering that two out of the three hosts definitely need to find more fun in their life (Clue: it’s not Margaret).
NB Whilst Anna talks ( a lot) about running, she wanted to add that walking (and all forms of movement) are great to include!

Episode 4 – “Where’s my Libido Gone? The Midlife Body and Sex!”

Dr Claire Macaulay is an Oncologist by day and Dr Dry Fanny by night.  

If you’re someone who cringes like your 12 year old self at the word vulva (and even if you’re not) this is an informative, positive listen to learn more about what is happening to our bodies, and what we can do to make positive changes.  Dr Claire explains why we need to put “our bodies in the bed”, why desire and sex can change in our midlife, and how few of us have actually “lost our libido”.  She also shares how putting pleasure on our schedule, and thinking of sex as a medicine, or a treat, rather than a box to tick, can in turn have a positive impact on our whole lives, relationships and confidence.

And please do subscribe to join Dr Claire’s Midlife Sex Festival, it’s free and features 30 special guests talking about everything to do with Midlife Sex https://www.midlifesexfestival.com/

Episode 3 – “That Zoe Shot, Working in our 40s (& Beyond) and a Podcast Road Trip”

Margaret, Genevieve and Anna discuss their recent “perimenopausal” experiences, what is working for them, and plan a Podcast Road Trip.
We refer to the book “Lift and Climb” by Viv Groskop in this episode, available in all good book shops. Cold water swimming, whilst it has many benefits is also associated with many risks including heart attacks and drowning. Please only try this with an  experienced cold water swimmer in organised areas.

Episode 2 – “HRT Special with Dr Lindsey Thomas”

Anna and Genevieve talk to Dr Lindsey Thomas, a GP with over 20 years experience in womens’ health. Based in Leeds, Lindsey now also works with Myla Health and is one of only 240 specialists who has the British Menopause Society advanced certificate.
In this illuminating conversation we discuss what type, why and how woman can take HRT. Plus we ask Dr Lindsey direct – do midlife crushes help the menopause!

Episode 1 – “Dinner of the Gods, Sequin Playsuits and Midlife Crushes”

Join Genevieve, Margaret and myself where we discuss what we’ve been up to this week, the “adventure that is the news” and answer your Q & As

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