The 40s Woman

Are you feeling shattered with moods swinging all over the place and finding that your old lifestyle isn’t working so well for you anymore, either mentally or physically?  This is a true sign of a changing body and it can be a surprise to find out it’s not just when we’re “little old ladies” that things change.  If you want to find out more about what is going on and what we can do why not check out the blogs below and I’d love you to join my private Facebook group “The 40s Woman” where we discuss all things topical to our changing bodies – from perimenopause to nutritious recipes.  There are monthly newsletters (see below to subscribe) and why not take a look at the webinars and programmes on offer (see “Programme and Events”).  Do get in touch if you have any questions

If you’d like to learn more about some of the changes happening, understand your options from HRT to strength training, and find what works for you, carry on reading.  I’m passionate about sharing the most up to date information but do get in touch if you have any questions and sign up for the monthly newsletters.

See also the Facebook page – 40s Woman, the YouTube channel, and various events and webinars.

Holiday Hi Jinks

If I want to fit in a quick work out on holiday, I have to keep it simple and short.  Try this no equipment needed workout.  Set 5, 8 or 10 minutes on the timer and repeat as many times as possible.  As always, listen to your body and take breaks where needed.  Take...

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Melissa Hemsley: Halloumi Slaw

Including a variety of fruit, veg and whole food is so important, but many of the "healthy" recipe books leave me pretty unexcited.  However, I am loving Melissa Hemsley's "Eat Green" plus her instagram posts.  Full of really tasty recipes where genuinely for the...

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Bones – Why we Need to Protect them Now

Bone health starts to decrease in our 20s and osteoporosis can be a silent disease until we break something or find we cannot live and do our favourite activities. We know calcium is linked to bone health, but read on to find out why vitamin K2, strength exercises and stress management can protect our bones now, and in the future

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Do you want to gain an understanding of changes that are happening, some without us knowing?
Do you want to hear about some great additions we can include in our lives as and when we want to?
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